Well, today is the 1st day I have felt good since last Saturday (6 days ago). As many of you know, Fr the last number of years, I have had stomach issues. I had a lot of testing done years ago and never had another issue, that I thought it was over.
Early Sunday morning, I felt it coming on and decided that instead of "waiting it out", we would go to the ER. Well we were there for hours and had some testing done, when the Dr. came in and said that they didn't find anything and that I was probably going to go home, unless we wanted to do a CAT scan - We decided that the reason we went to the ER was for the testing - we did it, and thank goodness.
They found air bubbles where they were not suppose to be, so they figured that it was a peptic ulcer or a perferated bowel. So off to surgery I went and was so nervous. After 3 hours, Billy finally got the results. "No ucler, no perferation. Yes air bubbles trapped in a mass that they biopsed that was negative that they removed. While the Dr. was on the hunt to find the "hole", he was able to look at a lot of organs. He did find 2 infected lymph nodes that he removed and sent off to pathology. We would not get results for 3-5. So even though it was great that they did not find anything - there was still a chance of cancer. What a horrible word.
Thankfully after 3 days they got the results back and it was negative. Thank yu Heavenly Father for blessing me, so that I can continue to be a mom to my 3 wonderful boys. I appreciate all the prayers that we offered in my behalf. I am grateful for the reults.
Now I just have a huge vertical 7" scar on my stomach. The recovery has been good. The only thing that will be really, really hard - is not lifting for 3 weeks. Ryan is still so little, but I guess we will figure it out.
Thanks again for your prayers and the wonderful blessing from Heavenly Father
10 years ago